An uncle and auntiean old uncle and aunty from my personal comic currently working on. Yes, I'll work on more after I beat all of my school works~~ ざっくりらくがきで深い谷底のお話の老人ふたり。 おじいさんは元騎士で、剣は持てるけどりんごの皮をむくとじゃがいもになるらしい…
an old uncle and aunty from my personal comic currently working on. Yes, I'll work on more after I beat all of my school works~~ ざっくりらくがきで深い谷底のお話の老人ふたり。 おじいさんは元騎士で、剣は持てるけどりんごの皮をむくとじゃがいもになるらしい…